Archive - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Archive und Bibliotheken (Hessen)
Archive und Bibliotheken (Hessen)
Gun Violence Archive
The project provides access to accurate information about gun-related violence in the United States. (2018)
German Propaganda Archive
The archive includes both propaganda itself and material produced for the guidance of propagandists (USA: Calvin College 2010-20).
The Alan Lomax Sound Archive: Educational Resources
Lessons using the resources of the Lomax Archive (USA: Association for Cultural Equity 2016-21).
Sept. 11 Digital Archive
Beim Sept. 11 Digital Archive können tausende Fotos angesehen werden, die meist von Bürgern gemacht wurden, die zufällig in der Nähe der drei 9/11-Schauplätze (New York, Washington, Shanksville im Bundesstaat Pennsylvania) waren (USA 2015-20).
Datenbank der Kooperation Dritte Welt Archive
Archiv³ - die Datenbank der Kooperation Dritte Welt Archive ist ein nichtkommerzielles Angebot der beteiligten Organisationen im Rahmen ihrer Informations- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
The Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art
The archive contains photographs and slides of artwork dating back to the year 2500 BCE. These collections feature predominantly Buddhist material but also includes Hindu, Jain, and Islamic works as well (USA 2018).
Neue Rheinische Zeitung
The Neue Rheinische Zeitung was a daily paper published in Cologne between June 1 1848 and May 19 1849 (Marxists Internet Archive 2023).
French Revolution Digital Archive
This extensive resource contains collections of key historical sources on the French Revolution (USA: Stanford University 2018).
The Indigenous Digital Archive
This ongoing project enables visitors to explore the history of US government Indian boarding schools in the 19th and 20th centuries (2019).