Antike - ancient world - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Antike - ancient world - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

The Ancient World
Aus: The Past Online (Bildungsserver Rheinland-Pfalz 2015-20)
The History of Ancient Greece
The History of Ancient Greece Podcast is a deep-dive into one of the most influential and fundamental civilization in world history (USA 2022). 
Ancient Greece 101
From artistry to politics, ancient Greece left a considerable impression on world history (National Geographic 2021).
Cleopatra - A Multimedia Guide to the Ancient Art
Interactive guide to the Ancient Art Collection of The Art Institute of Chicago. Included is a set of lesson plans based on nine of the objects and designed to provide interdisciplinary classroom activities that will enhance students understanding of ancient cultures in Egypt, Greece, and Rome (2011-14).
Fascinating Egyptian Mummies
Online-Ausstellung, die die Mumifizierung spielerisch erklärt (Musée de la Civilisation, Québec 2009)
A day in the life of an ancient Athenian
It’s 427 BCE and the worst internal conflict ever to occur in the ancient Greek world is in its fourth year. Athens is facing a big decision: what to do with the people of Mytilene, a city on the island of Lesbos where a revolt against Athenian rule has just been put down. How did these kinds of decisions get made? (TED-Ed lesson 2021)
Odyssey Online
Odyssey Online leads on an exploration of Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and sub-Saharan African as well as American cultures (Grade Level: 6-8)
The Aztec Pantheon and the Art of Empire
Die Online-Ausstellung des J. Paul Getty Museum zeigt und interpretiert einige Objekte aus der Hochkultur der Azteken (2010-14)
Mesoamerican Cultures
Kulturen vor Kolumbus. Dieses spannende virtuelle Museum lässt faszinierende Momente der Vergangenheit Amerikas wieder auferstehen. Die unterschiedlichen Kulturen (Azteken, Mayas, u.m.) werden mit Hilfe von Animationen, Videos, Musik, und vielen Bildern dokumentiert. Digitale Expedition auf englisch.