Annenberg - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial, Arbeitsblätter und Übungen

Classroom Resources Mathematics
Unterrichtseinheiten, Online-Kurse für Lehrkräfte und Videos der gemeinnützigen Annenberg Foundation (USA 2019)
Annenberg Learner
Annenberg Learner provides free content and resources for educators and students. Search classroom resources by grade levels and subject areas. Some video resources also include coordinated online materials, such as user guides, downloadable textbooks, labs and interactives, and more (USA 2020).
Annenberg Classroom: Teaching the Constitution
These resources include videos on Constitution, The Congress, The Presidency, The Courts as well as games, lesson plans and a Constitution Guide (USA 2015-19)
Here we find teacher lesson plans around many nature livecams created by researchers and animal experts (USA: Annenberg 2020).
Freedom of Religion
In this lesson students simulate a U.S. Supreme Court hearing on a First amendment case about a Texas school district delivering prayers over the intercom (Annenberg Learner, USA 2014).
Executive Branch: What Does a Mayor Do?
17-minütiges Video bei Annenberg Classroom (USA 2015)
Branches of Power
Interaktives Lernspiel, um das System der Checks and Balances in den USA zu verstehen (Annenberg Classroom 2013)
Democracy in America
ʺA comprehensive video course for high school teachers on civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions based on an established civics framework.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter (Annenberg, 2020)
Political Parties: Mobilizing Agents
Unterrichtseinheit mit Online-Video zum Parteiensystem der USA (USA: Annenberg 2019)
Reading & Writing in the Disciplines
Course on tools for integrating discipline literacy into mathematics, science, English, and history/social studies content based lessons (USA: Annenberg 2020)